
光 学 储 存 设 备的英文

  • optical wand
  • :    light; ray
  • :    study; learn
  • :    store up; save; keep in rese ...
  • :    exist; live; survive
  • :    x
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        :    light; ray
        :    study; learn
        :    store up; save; keep in rese ...
        :    exist; live; survive
        :    x
        :    have; be equipped with
        虚 拟 储 存 器:    virtual storage
        迁 移 设 备:    equipment relocation
        硬 件 设 备:    hardware device
        自动外(围)设(备):    automatic peripheral control
        电 脑 设 备 操 作:    computer equipment operation
        自动外(围)设(备)控制(器):    automatic peripheral control
        :    Ⅰ动词(储藏; 存放) store up; save; keep [have] in reserve 储粮备荒 store up grain against natural disasters; 冬储白菜 cabbages stored for the winterⅡ名词1.(继承人) heir 王[皇]储 crown prince2.(姓氏) a surname 储大伯 chu dabo
        光 学 标 记 识 别:    optical memory card
        光 学 标 记 阅 读 器:    optical memories
        光 学 字 符 识 别:    optical data links
        :    动词1.(存在; 生存) exist; live; survive 残存 remnant; surviving; 名存实亡 exist only in name but not in reality2.(储存; 保存) store; keep 存粮 store up grain; 封存 seal up for safekeeping; 水库存了大量的水。 a large quantity of water is stored in the reservoir. 天气热, 西红柿存不住。 tomatoes won't keep in hot weather.3.(蓄积; 聚集) accumulate; collect 一下雨, 洼地里就存了好些水。 whenever it rains, a lot of water accumulates in the low-lying land.4.(储蓄) deposit 他总是把一半薪金存入银行。 he always deposits half of his salary in the bank.5.(寄存) leave with; check 存自行车 leave one's bicycle in a bicycle park; 你们可把箱子存在服务台。 you can check your suitcases in at the desk. 行李先存在这里, 回头再来取。 let's check our luggage here and come back for it later.6.(保留) reserve; retain 求同存异 seek common ground while reserving differences; 他有什么说什么, 肚子里存不住话。 he always says what he thinks; he can't hold anything back.7.(结存; 余留) remain on balance; be in stock 收支相抵, 净存两千元。 the accounts show a surplus of 2,000 yuan.8.(心里怀着) cherish; harbour 不存幻想 harbour no illusions; 存着很大的希望 cherish high hopes
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(具备; 具有) have; be equipped with 德才兼备 have both ability and political integrity2.(准备) prepare; provide with; get ready 预备 prepare; 筹备 plan and provide; 准备食物 provide with food; get foot ready3.(防备) provide against; prepare for; take precautions against 以备后患 take precautions against future trouble; 以备万一 prepare against all eventualitiesⅡ名词1.(设备) equipment 装备 outfit; equipment; 军备 military equipment; armaments2.(姓氏) a surname 备丰 bei fengⅢ副词(表示完全) all; fully 备悉 noted all the contents; 备受宠爱 be fully favoured; 备述详情 detail all that has happened; 艰苦备尝 suffer untold hardships
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(设立; 布置) set up; establish; found 设下天罗地网 spread a dragnet; 设一所学校 establish a school; 总公司设在大连 set up the head office in dalian; 部下面设六个司。under the ministry there are six departments. 我们这个市, 下面设十个区。our municipality is divided into ten districts. 指挥部设在前沿阵地上。 the command post was set up in a forward position.2.(筹划) work out : 设计陷害 plot a frame-up; frame; 设了个圈套 set a trap3.[数学] (假设) given; suppose; if 设 x = 1 given: x = 1; 设 x 等于 y。 let x be the equal of y. 设长方形的宽是 x 米。suppose the width of a rectangle is x metres.Ⅱ连词[书面语] (假如; 倘若) if ; in case 设有困难, 当助一臂之力。you can count on me to help in case of difficulty.Ⅲ名词(姓氏) a surname 设昌 she chang
        :    Ⅰ动词1.(学习) study; learn 学当医生 study for the medical profession; 学得又快又好 learn fast and well; 学开机器 learn to operate a machine; 学文化 acquire an elementary education; learn to read and write; 学外语 learn [study] a foreign language; 学先进 emulate the advanced; 活到老, 学到老。 keep on learning as long as you live. 你的功课学会了吗? have you learned your lessons? 你可以自学。 you can study by yourself. 他从几位画师学画。 he studied painting under several masters. 她将很快学会讲英语。 she will soon learn to speak english.2.(模仿) imitate; mimic 学鸡叫 mimic the crowing of a cock; 你应该学他的优点, 而不应学他的缺点。 you should copy his good points, not his weak points. 鹦鹉能学人的声音。 a parrot can mimic a person's voice. 这小男孩学他父亲走路的样子。 the little boy imitates his father's way of walking.Ⅱ名词1.(学问) learning; knowledge 博学多才 broad in learning and many-sided in abilities; 不学无术 have neither learning nor skill; 才疏学浅 have little talent and less learning2.(学科) subject of study; branch of learning 数学 mathematics; 天文学 astronomy; 文学 literature; 政治经济学 political economy3.(学校) school; college 大学 college; university; 上学 go to school; 小[中国] 学 primary [middle] school4.(姓氏) a surname 学仲 xue zhong
        :    Ⅰ名词1.(照耀在物体上、使人能看见物体的一种物质) light; ray 月光 moonlight; 日光 sunlight; sunshine; 爱克斯光 x-ray2.(景物) scenery 风光 scene; view; sight; 春光明媚 a sunlit and enchanting scene of spring3.(光彩; 荣誉) honour; glory; lustre 为国争光 win honour for one's country; 给晚会增光 shed lustre on [add lustre to] the evening party4.(明亮; 生辉) brightness 双目有光 bright-eyed5.(恩惠) favour; grace 沾光 benefit from association with sb.; 借光 excuse me6.[书面语] (时光) time7.[书面语] (特指日、 月、星辰等天体) celestial body8.(姓氏) a surname 光逸 guang yiⅡ动词1.(光大) glorify; recover; regain 光前裕后 win praises for one's ancestors and enrich one's posterity; 光耀门楣[庭] bring honour to the family name2.(露在外面) bare; be naked 光着头 be bareheaded; 他光着上身。 he was naked to the waist.3.[书面语] (照耀) shineⅢ形容词1.(光滑; 光溜) smooth; glossy 刮垢磨光 make sth. clean and smooth by scraping and polishing; 这纸不太光。 this paper is not smooth enough.2.(露着的) naked; nude; bare 光脚 barefooted; 光脊梁 barebacked3.(一点不剩) used up; with nothing left 两星期过去, 他们的钱用光了。 two weeks passed. they ran out of money. 他把整块蛋糕都吃光了。 he has eaten up the whole cake. 我们贮存的火柴用光了。 our stock of matches is used up.4.[敬] (表示光荣) glorious; gracious 承蒙光临。 it was gracious of you to come.5.(明亮的) brightⅣ副词(只; 单) only; alone; merely 不要光凭热情去工作。 don't work by enthusiasm alone. 光有好的意愿还不够。 good intention alone is not enough. 她光吃青菜, 不吃肉。 she eats only vegetables and abstains from eating meat
        预 备:    steady
        责 备:    defamation
        存1性:    onepreservation
        备 名 称:    equipment name


  1. "光 的 新专辑"英文
  2. "光 碟 机"英文
  3. "光 声学显微镜"英文
  4. "光 学 标 记 识 别"英文
  5. "光 学 标 记 阅 读 器"英文
  6. "光 学 字 符 识 别"英文
  7. "光 之 龙"英文
  8. "光(电)缆护套"英文
  9. "光(塔用)"英文
  10. "光(纤)互连网论坛"英文


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